Rot repairs
Prisma Painters also offers rot repair and timber replacement services.
Rot repairs Auckland
The charm of older homes is their heritage features and character design. Often these homes require a little extra care and attention to keep up their beautiful appearances.
– Brigid
Once rot is discovered, it is common to find boards and framing underneath that are also infected with rot. We can remove and replace timber framing and sub-frames so that you know all the affected timber has been professionally replaced.
We are also able to restore timber using new technology resins that are very effective. Resins are particularly useful where small details in the timber need restoring to their original profiles, because the resin can be shaped and sanded, once dry, to any form or shape required.
We will access the areas needing rot repair and let you know what process bests suit your job. Whether its timber replacement or rot treatment, or filling with new technology resin products, our experienced team have your timber repairs covered. Our timber repairs are usually done at the same time as the painting preparation, effectively saving you time and money.